Two municipal district manager speak


Creator God called beauty

The god of this little success Shakrm serve the faithful and honorable people, especially the second region in Qazvin dear fellow citizens to give to God. People who sensational high peaks of knowledge and has conquered the sport seriously and work diligently to regional economic wheels in motion and brought his loving look, and refreshment service Gzaranshan Qvty are God.
Truly; serving the people and committed believer in full working alongside staff and workers and honest and very proud precious opportunity. Allah willing, we can perform its duty in the city to build a beautiful, vivacious and delightful spot for a good and intelligent people of both regions is to be successful.

Editorial good people and the region's two
No doubt the efforts of respected authorities what city officials particularly respected regional units we've done two so far given the current limitation has been poor and I believe people deserve and Nick Fahim much more noble and good hometown service is provided. City officials hope the people away as a missing link in the best sustainable city and sympathy with the efforts Shvrayaran respected regions decreased day by day and having a neighborhood, district, regional, beautiful, perfect, green and safe depends on investment dynamic economy and employment, including citizenship rights, which is realized.
Final Word

This region to you and your future after we have requested with suggestions, constructive criticism and guidance in their own servants to improve the urban Abad, beautiful and green, please help.
 H. Behzadpour
 Two municipal district manager